Technology : Real-Time Animation, Facial capture, 5D
"RRC" or "Raja Raja Cholan" that showcases the life and achievements of the legendary Chola king, Raja Raja Cholan. The project will be displayed in the Thanjavur museum, which is located in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The use of Unreal Engine allowed The Holocraft to create realistic and detailed visuals and animations, which make the experience more engaging and compelling for the viewers. The RRC project gives viewers a glimpse into the life and achievements of Raja Raja Cholan, including his contribution to building the famous Thanjavur temple. The 5D experience will provide a unique and interactive way for viewers to learn about the history of the Chola dynasty and the cultural significance of their achievements. RRC project is an impressive showcase of our technical expertise and creative vision, and it is expected to be a popular attraction at the Thanjavur museum.